11/20/2024 7:19:43 PM Am I Early? Or Right on Time? The Appellate Division Reiterates Law on Early Motions for Summary Judgment By Adeel Jamaluddin Here's a short decision out of the Second Department that addresses the timing of motions for summary judgment: Kharyshyn v West End 82,...
9/19/2024 5:39:44 PM Requisite Nexus - The Cable Guy and the Labor Law By Adeel Jamaluddin In a recent decision, Acevedo-Espinosa v RH 250 Sherman Ave., LLC, 2024 NY Slip Op 04365, the Appellate Division, Second Department,...
6/27/2024 6:40:26 PM The Space Between - Labor Law 240 and Interstitials By Adeel Jamaluddin The Appellate Division, First Department, issued a decision clarifying the concept of "foreseeability" in Labor Law 240 analysis. The...
3/15/2024 10:33:51 PM Court of Appeals Reverses Appellate Division and Clarifies Integral to Work Defense By Adeel Jamaluddin Just last month, the Court of Appeals issued a wide-ranging decision on Labor Law Section 241(6) that will likely have significant...
2/20/2024 6:23:05 PM Walk the Plank! Or you'll run afoul of Labor Law Section 240 By Adeel Jamaluddin Recently, the Appellate Division, First Department, in York v Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC, 2024 NY Slip Op 00826, reversed the lower...
2/13/2024 8:48:05 PM Minnesota Contractors Facing Landfill Changes By Janet Stellpflug The demolition and disposal of construction waste that is not reused or recycled is subject to ever-changing regulations. The MPCA plans...
2/9/2024 4:35:26 PM In the Trenches with Labor Law 240(1) - After Appellate Division Split - Court of Appeals Set to Address By Adeel Jamaluddin The Court of Appeals is set to hear an appeal regarding whether a below-grade trench excavation wall cave-in resulting in injuries to a...
2/8/2024 12:05:17 AM "Integral to Work" Defense Upheld: Implications for Construction Injury Cases By Adeel Jamaluddin Recently, the Appellate Division, First Department, in Maldonado v Hines 1045 Ave. of the Ams. Invs. LLC, 2024 NY Slip Op 00379, affirmed...
8/24/2023 4:27:32 PM There Can Be Only One - Sole Proximate Cause: What is it, and can it help the defense? By Adeel Jamaluddin The Appellate Division, Second Department, in Iannaccone v United Natural Foods, Inc., 2023 NY Slip Op 04372, in a decision published...
7/27/2023 4:18:59 PM Crane Collapse A Good Reminder to Conduct Proper Job Hazard Analyses (JHA) By Billy Kim A construction crane on the 45th floor of a Midtown Manhattan building burst into flames, causing it to collapse and come crashing down...